Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Hi Grade 4's!!!

I was so excited to get started on geometry with you as a class. I love geometry and exploring different shapes and exploring different quadilaterals.
I am glad that as a class each of you enjoyed today's introductory lesson on geometry. Since, we have already discussed in class how to identify and compare different quadilaterials and we learned how to classify them by their geometric properties, I feel confident that you will be able to excel at this activity online.
When you enter the site it will say 'geometric flash cards'. Each of you will enter the site and will see a picture on the screen of a different geometric shape. Click under the drop down menu to pick which geometry term describes the shape.

Click GEOMETRY to enter the site.


Hello Boys and Girls!

As you know boys and girls yesterday we had a lesson on the difference between rocks and minerals and explained the difference between how they are used. In today's lesson at school we learned to describe the differences between igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and how they are formed.
**Remember Igneous rocks form when hot liquid rock from below the earth's surface rises above the surface. Sedimentary rocks form when small pieces of the earth that have been worn away by wind and water accumulate at the bottom of rivers.
Metamorphic Rocks form when pre-existing rocks are changed by heat and pressure.
Heres a website that teaches more about the difference between the three different type of rocks as well as some interesting facts that you can learn. I would like you to find at least 1 interesting fact from the website and bring it into class tommorow.

I look forward to hearing your amazing facts!

Click on ROCKS AND MINERALS to go directly to the website.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

This Week's Math

This week, boys and girls, we are learning more about graphing and how to choose the kind of graph we want to display information. I know we have talked about circle graphs, bar graphs, and line graphs. For next week, we are going to focus specifically on making bar graphs. To learn more about this in preparation for our classes next week, follow this link to take you to a page with all kinds of help prompts for you. When you get to the main page, make sure you follow the CLICK HERE link.