Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Hi Grade 4's !
I hope you are all enjoying your March Break!
The weather certainly has been wonderful for the past couple of days.
I know that when we return all of you will be presenting your projects that you have started or finished already over the past couple of weeks on what we have learned in our unit on light and sound. Everyone will present their projects on March 24; either you chose to design a device that demonstrates light and/or sound or whether you have researched properties of light and sound. I found some links that I thought would be fun as well as useful to your learning about light and sound. The first is creating a kaleidscope click here. The second is on sound and light, follow this link and a click on an object that you would like to learn about and see how it works. The final link is a video I found on light and I thought it would be fun for all of you to enjoy click here to watch.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! I know that I certainly did.
This weekend I found myself browsing the internet and found some great educational resources. I realize that as parents sometimes finding websites that are educational can be quite difficult. Therefore I have decided to put some educational resources that I thought would be useful on the classblog.

For my students I have also included some resources for you as well on the classblog.
To the parents of the students in my class as well to my students if you have or find anymore websites that you think the class would benefit from knowing feel free to add to the blog.

I look forward to seeing my students in class tommorow!